The trendy “hollywood smile”’ can be achieved by application of braces.Correction of dental malalignment is available for children and adults. As early treatment -as early as three years of age- some dental defects can be identified and treated by various methods.
1. Clear Braces
Metal braces have been the standard in orthodontics, but are highly visible. Clear braces use clear brackets and wires that blend into natural tooth color to help adults and teens get the benefits of straight teeth while staying more discreet.
2. Retainers
Retainers could be fixed or removable, the latter are custom-made devices, usually made of wires or clear plastic, that hold teeth in position after realigning teeth. They are worn mainly at night and removed during the day.
2. Retainers
Retainers could be fixed or removable, the latter are custom-made devices, usually made of wires or clear plastic, that hold teeth in position after realigning teeth. They are worn mainly at night and removed during the day.
3. Pediatrics
We recommend that every child be seen by a dentist at twelve months of age or within six months of the eruption of the first tooth. We’ll teach you and your children proper dental care, and when children regularly visit for checkups we are able to easily detect the early stages of a cavity, treat it and prevent the need for an invasive dental procedure.
For Reservations: You can call our front desk at (+2) 03 4252166 Sat- Wed 10am – 7pm